
Saturday, November 20, 2010

LYS Yarn and Patterns Giveaway

Super cool giveaway from Classic Elite, approximately a $20 value.  A guest post from Classic Elite.  PASS IT ON TO YOUR FRIENDS!  Use the share links at the bottom of this post.

Do you Love Your Shop?

Classic Elite wants to give back to those who risk it all to follow their dreams, open yarn shops and keep them open in these changing and challenging times. In fact, we have so much faith in those dreams that we want to give everyone a present.
Spend $40 or more on yarn or books between now and December 15th, send us a copy of your itemized receipt and we’ll send you a recent pattern book and three mini-skeins of Classic Elite Yarn, just for buying local.
It's our "thank you" to all the knitters and crocheters who recognize the value of supporting our local knitting communities.
Find out more about the Love Your Shop giveaway on our blog and view complete rules and details on our web site.

1 comment:

  1. I just enveloped my receipt to send out! I knew that all of my crazy yarn spending would yield something good (besides a lifetime supply of yarn). Thank you!


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