
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It WORKS! Brioche Rocks

It works!  It works!  I'm so excited!  It works!  I am now officially in love with Nancy Marchant and her cool website,  After spending about half an hour working with her directions on her website, I had a little success.  I didn't really understand what she meant by indicating casting on over two needles, so I eventually abandoned that plan, and just followed all the rest of the directions.  And they work!  I made a little teeny swatch! Whoopee!  I am about as pleased as the day I earned my driver's license.  Now the next step will be to cast on the scarf and settle into a rhythm on this stitch, and get really excited about the vest that will come after.

For those of you who may be keeping track, yes, I'm also working on mittens for the Mr..  They will be the feature of a mitten class I'm knitting later in the month, so I need to get them done for 2 reasons.  The mittens take priority. The mittens are for home knitting, and the shop.  The brioche rib scarf will have to be on an "after I finish so many rows of the mittens" basis until the mittens are done; otherwise, I'd devote myself to the brioche nonstop.  I'm always a sucker for my newest project, but this way I'll have something to work towards!


  1. Thank you for the work you have put into the article, this helps clear up a few questions I had.


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