
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Punk Knits

I've discovered that I prefer to knit in proximity to chocolate, coffee, and wine, depending on the time of day and the mood I'm in.  I'm sure I could be convinced that all of them should be nearby if I tried.  Today it's an odd combination...

Knitting calms me, concentrating on the work and the pattern.  The rhythm of the needles, the softness of the yarn, they become entrancing.  Sometimes it's just a way to keep my hands busy so I won't throttle anyone. 

I've cranked the TV while watching the Matrix (killer soundtrack, lots of explosions), chowed dark chocolate peanut M&M's and red wine, and wouldn't talk to anyone.  I don't want to be angry.  I'm a Buddhist, for heaven's sake.  But sometimes I am.  I just need to let it wash over me like a storm cloud.  Sometimes I need a little thunder and lightning with my storm cloud. Hence, blasting the Matrix.  The M&M's and wine are just recreational.

This puts me in a great mindset to design for my kids.  They don't want my Country Club chic stuff, and they don't want anything Normann Rockwell. Revolutionary leather-clad rebels and loud music set a different tone.  The designs came easily today, but it makes me curious where I'll find the kinds of color palate I want.  I'd like a blend of traditional and acid colors.  Any ideas?  It would be great if I could find all the colors in one yarn that's either superwash or not wool, as I have an allergy.  Tell me what you think!


  1. Every now and then you ramble round the Internet and karma leads you to a bloggins that's interesting, new and lively. It's like finding an unopened chocolate bar in your handbag.

    Anything that I can think of yarnwise to help you would come from the UK which might not be all that useful to you.

    Colinette is well known and has some pretty eye-blasting stuff:

    Also, Artists Palette has some fabulous stuff: and they do have blends which might be useful.

    Regia of course is superwash and some of their longrun colours are pretty vivid but not to everyone's taste. It often gets overlooked for larger garments but it knits up beautifully and wears so well to the extent that you are sick of the garment before it wears out!

    Sorry I can't help you other than that.

    Thanks for the ideas on your website.

    Pam (Ravelry: PamelaBee)

  2. @Pam - Thanks for the compliment and the ideas. I try to buy local when I can, so I'll ask around for these yarns. When I must, I do buy online. The colorways are fabulous!

  3. Just read through the Colinette website. The clors and textures are GREAT! How does it knit up?


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