
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Object Update

What's on the needles now is similar to what was on last week - No H8 mittens for Ana, Guinan Hat for class (now taught, but not yet frogged.  Cute hat, but wool is not my friend.  My hives are just starting to fade!) and socks for me.  There are a couple of test- knits hanging around, but they don't really count.

I sat down last night to knit, and got to the point on Ana's mittens that I needed her hand to confirm custom measurements.  She wasn't home, so I picked up the socks.  Hello Nichole Sock yarn!  Man, I love this stuff.  I got about an inch and a half done when I discovered the mistake I had made in the second row of the evening.  I ripped back, and now have about 4 rows of total progress to show for it. *Heavy sigh*  I'm in no hurry, which is clearly a good thing.  I can knit well, or I can knit fast, but I cannot do both.

The Punk Sweater and Andean Hat requested by Allison are in the finishing stages of the design process.  I may end up making the sweater in cotton or linen so she can wear it in the summer - we'll see what she wants to do.  Once completed, I'll post the patterns.  It's really fun to design for other people with different tastes.  It's like visiting a theme park - it doesn't feel like work no matter how sweaty, tired and sunburned you are at the end of it. (And you get to eat junk food in both situations.  What's not to love?)

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