
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ghosts of Knitting Past

I was trying to tame my stash last night.  I don't know why.  I know better.  I had this notion that I could separate all the wools from all the non-wools, and that this would somehow make my life more - I don't know.  Better.  In this process I discovered many things:

Applique Stocking Sample

1. I own a whole heckuva lot of yarn.

2.  The stash is about the same weight as my dog.  Max is a German Shorthaired Pointer, Labrador Retriever mix.  Think your average 8 year old child.

3.  My children become concerned when they see the entire family room furniture and floor covered in yarn, when I'm sitting in the middle, head in hands, saying, "Maybe. Maybe."

4. While purchasing yarn I have largely disregarded my allergy to wool.

5. I really DID buy a ton of Cascade Pure Alpaca about a year ago.  I just found it again after looking several times.

6. While purchasing yarn I have made a great many dubious choices.

Tweed Faroe Mitten.  Why?

Why would I buy one skein of cashmere that is only 60 yards? Why would I buy tweeds for a Faroe Project? (Yes I did.  There are pictures to prove it.)  Why did I store the stash in so many different places?

How could I lose track of making Christmas stockings for my children, and just quit after designing and knitting a sample? Why would I store FOs in with the stash?  When did I ever think I would use acrylic for anything except baby blankets?  Why is my darning egg in with the bulky yarns?

This makes me think that a few years from now, while re-sorting the stash, I may find more unanswered questions.  Will I be wondering why I made so many cowls?  What was my obsession with mittens all about?  How much sock yarn does any woman need?  What the heck was I thinking the last time I sorted out the stash?


  1. Hi! I live in Buffalo about twenty blocks from the man on the bench the used to be on the corner of West ferry and Niagara. I have often wondered why that bench was removed. But anyway as strange as it may seem I do not know anyone besides myself that knits and crochets. I am often looked at funny when I knit in public almost as if people are afraid that I might poke them with my needles. I saw your posts and thought that I would just say hi. Take care.

  2. Well, HI back! I've always loved that sculpture. I love that you can read the newspaper he's holding, and count the threads on his tweed jacket! Gorgeous.

    No, you're not the only knitter here, and yes, people do look at us strangely when we knit in public. I don't know why, either, but I kind of like it. At least they're thinking a little about where knitwear comes from!

    PM me at my email above (in the blurb at the top of the blog) if you'd like to meet a few other knitters who knit in public. We're generally nice people, and rarely poke people with our sticks. Never new people. Sometimes errant children. Or husbands. Or eachother. I digress...

    Coffee and knitting is available every Sunday at Karma Knitting on Main Street in Williamsville. I'm always there. Join us!


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